Author Archives: Claire

Noah & Ollie

Some questions and an important community announcement from Noah (age 4) and Ollie (age 2):

No Punch (Noah and Ollie)


What are Unicorns? (Noah, Part 1)


Are Unicorns Extinct? (Noah, Part 2)


Wake up, get Breakfast (Ollie)


Happy New Year!

If the fireworks weren’t enough for you, here’s a little something to start your year with a bang…

“Evil Socks”. A keyboard and illustration piece by Ari, featuring a surprise cameo from his cat Miso about three quarters of the way into the song…

Welcome, Ruben!

Ruben (age 7) wrote and recorded this ode to popcorn in his first two lessons. He composed some percussive tracks, recorded some beatboxing tracks, vocal tracks, a keyboard track and some noodling with his new ukulele. He likes hip hop and Bruce Springsteen; he listened to some Joelistics before recording and has definitely channelled some hiphop in here, but may be yet to unleash The Boss…